The Rehabilitation Center is running low on necessary supplies due to the "Cold Stunned" turtle emergency.
As of Monday, January 11, 2010 we have 71 turtles in a facility originally designated to house 7 sick or injured turtles. We are in need of funds for medical supplies to care for the turtles.. The Center is rapidly going through towels and other medical supplies.
We have received more than an entire year's worth of turtles in less than four days. Although the program was funded for the entire year, we are rapidly depleting those funds. In the end, we will likely expend more than $25,000 to care for these cold stunned turtles.
The turtles are falling victim to the cold weather. As reptiles, they don't generate their own body heat, so when the temperature drops, so do their body temperatures.
When their body temperatures falls below 60 degrees, they become immobilized and float to the surface. The cold weather puts sea turtles in all sorts of trouble: On top of making them lethargic, it suppresses their immune systems, which makes them susceptible to pneumonia and other diseases. Worse, when turtles go into cold shock, they float to the surface, which places them at risk of being struck by boats.
Gumbo Limbo Nature Center, Inc. is the non-profit arm that is funding the Rehabilitation Center. Any donation level will help with this marine turtle emergency. Every turtle we are able to save is increasing the nesting population in the next five to fifteen years.
You may donate any dollar amount by calling 561-391-8110 or sending a check made out to:
Gumbo Limbo Nature Center, Inc
1801 North Ocean Blvd
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Please make a note on your check for "cold stunned turtles"
We also are accepting in-kind donations from the follow list:
· Laundry Detergent [HeV]
· Antibacterial Dish Soap· Hand Sanitizer
· Hand soap
· Betadine
· Paper Towels
· Bath Towels
· 13 gal Trash Bags
· Gallon and sandwich Ziploc Bags
· Surgical Tools (ask us)
· Disposable Tupperware
· Dental piks [from a dentist or Veterinary office]
· Fine point sharpies
· Disposal gloves [S, M&L]
· Gauze pads
· Folders with prongs on both sides
· Gift Cards (Grocery, Wal-Mart, Office Depot, Hardware Stores)