Happy new year everyone. I hope that everyone is doing well and ready for an exciting new year. Welcome back to A Sea Turtle a day.As I was looking thru my Turtle pictures this morning i was thinking about which pictures moved me the most as I was taking them.In the last 3 years I have been on more then 10 dedicated turtle adventures and have seen a lot of really great Sea Turtle behaviour but the thing that really gets me is watching a nest of hatching's emerge from the sand and get their orientation to the horizon and quickly move towards the ocean.
The photo trip that I was able to see this behaviour was in the British Virgin Islands.I was hired by the Canadian Broadcasting Corp to go to the BVI and get some Leatherback sea turtle footage for a special segment that they were working on.I also brought my cameras as well as their video equipment.
I was staying in a beach side home that had known Leatherback sea turtle nest right in front of it.My assignment was to catch the hatching's on camera when they emerged,Sounds easy right? The only problem is that the hatching's usually come out after 7pm or before 7am. That meant that I spent a lot of sleepless night alone with my camera gear on the beach. I am not complaining I was able to get some great photos and video.
This picture is of a Leatherback Sea Turtle emerging out of the sand
Taken with a 60 mm macro lens
See you tomorrow.
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ReplyDeleteThank you very much for the pictures. :)
ReplyDeleteI love them very much.