Welcome back to A Sea Turtle Picture A Day. Today we are still in Hawaii. This is my last diving day so I am very hopeful that I can get a few more of the shots of Green Turtle behaviour that I am hoping for today. It has mostly been an awesome diving drip with Green Sea Turtles on every dive.
Today's picture is a new one for me. No it is a Green turtle(Chelonia mydas) that is being cleaned by pale nosed parrot fish yellow tangs and surgeon fish. It is one of the first still picture that I have used my video camera to take. I have always been so into shooting the video that I never even thought to hit the (photo) button on my housing. Looks like I have yet another way to capture Sea Turtle images.
This picture was taken with a Sony HC-7 Video camera Housed in a Light and Motion Bluefin HD Underwater Video housing
See you tomorrow