Welcome back to A Sea turtle Picture A Day. I want to thank all of you that check here on a regular basis. As you all know I like to give some factual information about what is going on in the picture as well as a little scientific info. It has been brought to my attention that some people are downloading these pictures and using them for personal use. It has taken me many years and many trips to get all of these pictures.I don't even want to think of how much money it has cost me in my fun little (hobby).
You are probably wondering what I am getting at here. Starting at day 60 I am going to start watermarking all of the turtle pictures that I post here in the blog. I will make it in a way that it does not obscure the picture but also that anyone wanting to download the picture will need to spend a lot of time in photoshop to remove it.
I am sorry that I have to do this but I need to protect my pictures.
Today we are heading back underwater to Hawaii. This picture is of a Green Sea Turtle(Chelonia mydas) that was laying on the bottom. When I swam near it I noticed the eye and how it was watching me. I just love the detail in this picture.
This picture was taken with a 12-24 mm lens
See you tomorrow
Sorry to hear that you have to watermark your photos. It's a shame people can't just enjoy them or get in touch with you to ask permission.
ReplyDeleteGreat photo...how can people NOT fall in love with these super creatures.