Welcome back to A Sea Turtle Picture A Day. Today lets head back over to Hawaii. If you have been visiting this blog for a while you will know that I have spent a lot of time in Hawaii taking Sea Turtle Pictures. Hawaii is one of the best places in the world to see Sea Turtles. It is one of only 2 places in the world where turtles crawl out on the beach to rest during the day. This behaviour allows people to get a close up look of turtles with out having to get wet.This is why so many of my pictures are from Hawaii.
So speaking of Hawaii lets go back there and today go underwater to a turtle cleaning station. A cleaning station is a particular part of the reef where organism go to be cleaned in this case it is where turtles go to allow cleaner fish pick the algae off of their skin and shell.
This picture is of just that. This turtle is in a resting pose. A resting pose is where the turtle rests on the bottom and extends its neck to allow easier access to those otherwise hard to reach spots. This turtle really didn't seem to mind me taking its picture.
This picture was taken with a 12-24 mm lens
See you tomorrow
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