Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Sea Turtle picture a day #44

Welcome back to A Sea Turtle Picture A Day. Today we are going to head back underwater and over to the west side of the Big Island of Hawaii. This picture is of a Green Sea turtle(Chelonia mydas) that was resting under this overhang underwater. It was not at all disturbed by my taking its picture. It actually seemed curious in what I was doing. My favorite thing about Sea Turtles is watching the way they interact with their surroundings and also each other.
This picture was taken with a 12-24 mm lens
See you tomorrow


  1. The girls and I sat down to check out all of your pictures. Be ready for them to start asking you a ton of questions. They like the baby turtles and they want you to take a bunch more!

  2. Tracy,
    I am glad that they have an interest in turtles. And I promise them that I will take and post a lot more pictures of the baby turtles.
